Hannah ** Jan 4 2007 ** My little Hannah Banana Bread – I’m so sorry you didn’t get to live long enough to be considered a senior. My sweet baby, who smothered me with Hannah
Rachel ** Nov 18 2006 ** (15yrs old) Sweet Rachel passed away quietly today in the arms of the one who cared for her in her last days. She loved to curl up in Lori’s arms and
Phoebe ** Apr 2 2007 ** (15yrs old) Phoebe never quite got over the passing of her sister Rachel. Phoebe spent her days sleeping on her pink pillow in her mommy’s room snuggl
Julia ** June 16 2007 ** (11yrs old) Little Julia lost her battle with heart disease this morning. What a precious gift she was to us here at Milagro. She was a gracious little cha
Sammie ** Aug 4 2007 (15yrs old) Sammie crossed over the Rainbow Bridge this morning in the arms of his Milagro guardian. What a little champion you were, and what beautiful energy
April ** Dec 10 2007 (11yrs old) Sweet little April crossed over the Rainbow Bridge this morning, in my arms. I didn’t want to let you go. We grew so close in these three sho
Jack ** Jan 23 2008 ** (16yrs old) My precious Jack very graciously gave up his fight with cancer today. He looked into the face of God and said, “It’s ok, I’m re
Jade ** My beloved little leijona – your diminutive size belied the amount of love and sweetness that could be held in one tiny, furry. 5# body. You were the size of a wee sp