Ruby ** July 26 2008 to Sept 15 2009 ** Dear little Ruby lost her battle with cancer today. As hard as it was, I was blessed to hold her in my arms for her final moment in this lif
Pauly ** March 2 2008 to Nov 27 2009 ** Everyone should have the good luck to have known Pauly. Pauly was one in a million … my sidekick … my jester … my love. He
Phoebe ** July 13 2009 to Dec 10, 2009 ** Our darling little Phoebe left us today. She was 17 years old, and her little body finally gave out. We extend the deepest of thanks to Ph
Peaches ** Dec 6 2009 to Feb 23 2010 ** From Cathy: Our precious little lady Miss “Touch of Peach” died peacefully today after becoming very ill. We thought at first th
Harmon ** Feb 2005 ~ March 11 2010 ** In February 2005, my life changed forever when a stocky, long-haired black dog who looked like a bear quietly leaned against my leg. My Harmon
Boshi ** April 18 2008 ~ May 15 2010 ** Boshi left us today very suddenly; we’re still in shock. But we have no doubt that his presence will remain near us. This was his neig
Sheba ** April 27 2008 ~ Sept 25 2010 ** Darling little Sheba left us today. She was the most delightful little sweetheart, and brought unforgettable happiness to her guardian̵
Genesis ** Oct 1 2010 ** When Genesis came into my life, Milagro was born. Genesis was a gentle, serene spirit, the hub of Milagro, the glue that made Milagro a family, the best do