Madrigal ** Aug 26 2004 to Sept 12 2009 ** This one hurts more than most. Maddie was an angel in disguise ~ he was my angel. I feel lost without him here. Maddie was like a Down Syndrome child ~ he lived in his own happy little world and it was a beautiful place. He was full of joy and doubtful he ever knew a moment of anger or fear. I would call your name and once you locked your eyes on me, you walked straight as an arrow to me. You didn’t go around anything ~ not a big sleeping dog, or a bowl of food, or puddle of water. You marched on, straight ahead toward me as if I was your target, your prize. You were a once-in-a-lifetime gift. I’m gonna be missing you for a real long time, Maddie Magoo. I love you with every corner of my heart.