Santana ** March 17 2008 to June 20 2011 ** My little Santana died quietly today in her sleep, curled up on the sofa in her favorite light blue fuzzy blanket where she napped every day, here at home where she felt safe and knew she was loved beyond measure. She passed very peacefully – I imagine dreaming happily of Heaven and it just took her there – and I’m profoundly grateful for that. I miss my little sidekick. I loved dressing her up, which she graciously tolerated, and she always had to have the last word whenever I shooshed her. Our paths crossed 3 years ago when Santana was dumped at our local shelter, and we became instantly inseparable — we chose each other. And even tho she’s gone and I won’t feel the warmth of her tiny body on my pillow with me at night anymore, or her little paws reaching up to stroke my face as if to memorize every part of it, Santana will be mine forever . . . Some gifts you just know are from God.