Chiffon ** Feb 22 2005 ~ Sept 13 2011 ** I lost my precious Chiffon today. She died very suddenly and unexpectedly; the vet thinks most likely an aneurysm took her from me. My heart hurts. Chiffon was one in a million. She had luscious, silky, winter-white fur with big creamy-blue eyes like an angel. She could run like the wind. Her back feet were faster than her front, so her little back end would swing around and run right along next to her, and she’d look over at her back feet as if wondering who it was – funniest thing I ever saw. Chiffon loved her name – I could whisper it anywhere in the house and she’d run to me and snuggle in my arms, looking up into my eyes as long as I kept whispering “Chiffon,” as if hypnotized by it. We had a very close bond, and she trusted me deeply. When we got Sunny the goldfish, Chiffon was tickled pink and practically jumped up and down. She and Sunny became fast friends, believe it or not. Every time I opened the fish tank, Chiffon would come running. She’d put her chin down in the water and watch Sunny nibble on her whiskers. Amazingly, Sunny only did that with Chiffon ~ no one else. Chiffon’s place at night was on my pillow with me. She’d wait till I laid down my head, then drop her tiny little body right onto my face. I miss her there now. She takes my heart with her to Heaven. Dear God, love my little girl and keep her well for me. Remember to whisper her name – she loves that a lot.