Sheba ** April 27 2008 ~ Sept 25 2010 ** Darling little Sheba left us today. She was the most delightful little sweetheart, and brought unforgettable happiness to her guardian̵
Genesis ** Oct 1 2010 ** When Genesis came into my life, Milagro was born. Genesis was a gentle, serene spirit, the hub of Milagro, the glue that made Milagro a family, the best do
Sonnie ** Nov 21 2007 to Nov 21 2010 ** When Sonnie arrived Home, I’m sure his first thought was, “Woohoo! Look at all these new people to love me!” Then he set o
Bon Jovi
Bon Jovi ** April 9 2010 to April 26 2011 ** Our dear little Bon Jovi died this evening, safe and sound in his guardian’s arms. He was comfortable and happy, and simply let o
Santana ** March 17 2008 to June 20 2011 ** My little Santana died quietly today in her sleep, curled up on the sofa in her favorite light blue fuzzy blanket where she napped every
Melody ** Oct 23 2009 to July 28 2011 ** Beautiful Melody passed away today, surrendering finally to her lifelong auto-immune disease. She came to Milagro two years ago, from a hom
Minnie Two
Minnie Two ** Nov 12 2008 to Sept 9 2011 ** Minnie Two came to Milagro in 2008 when she was about 10 years old. She was a well mannered, calm, beauty of a Dalmation. I was honored
Chiffon ** Feb 22 2005 ~ Sept 13 2011 ** I lost my precious Chiffon today. She died very suddenly and unexpectedly; the vet thinks most likely an aneurysm took her from me. My hear