
KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERABen ** Dec 30 2008 to Sept 11 2009 ** My little Ben’s tender heart gave out and he died this morning at home, cradled in my arms and covered in my tears. It was unexpected and quick ~ I’m grateful to have been there to comfort and hold him on his final journey. My little treasure, precious soul, my sunshine, and sweet sweet presence in our family and our home. I’m going to miss your gentle nature, your happy singing and skipping when you mooched for people food, and how you stood in the middle of your dish to eat, and how you laid your little ears flat on your back and crouched way low to run in circles when you got tickled. How you loved your morning chicken treats most of all, and rolling around in the sun out in your grassy yard. How you stood up on your tiny back feet to give me loving kisses. I miss your happy little face, Ben. Thank you God for letting your angel spend his last days with me. Take care of him for me, give him lots of kisses and hugs for me, and be sure he gets plenty of chicken treats. He was a beautiful and perfect gift, and I’m missing him dearly now. I love you Ben, with all my heart. I love you.